While the modern day version isn'’t an exact replication of their diet the basic concept is the same.
It consists of healthy, wholesome food that isn’'t full of additives, preservatives and other harmful ingredients often found in the average diet.
The paleo diet has seen an outpouring of popularity with thousands of people praising its benefits. With best selling books like the Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf popping up on bookshelves everywhere there is little denying that the paleo solution works and when followed correctly can be a very healthy way of life.
The diet itself is fairly simple. There is a list of foods that you can and can’t eat. However, the simplicity ends when you have to adhere to the foods that you can eat and eliminate the ones you can’t. The process of switching to a paleo lifestyle can take some time so remember to be patient and persistent.
Most of us grew up on cereal, bread, milk, chocolate, burgers, fries and ice creams. Foods that we have grown to love. In fact, we love these foods so much that obesity has reached epidemic proportions.
While most normal diets give you a list of foods that aren'’t good for you, the paleo diet goes one-step further by focusing on ingredients. For example, a normal diet may state that you shouldn'’t eat doughnuts.
The paleo diet says eliminate processed sugar which eliminates a huge chunk of foods that you may not even think have sugar like bread and other everyday staples.
It also recommends eating only grass fed meats, fish, poultry, fruit, non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, lettuce, spinach, and eggs. The good news is fats like vegetable, olive, coconut, and macadamia oil are allowed, which makes cooking easier.
If you are planning to make the switch to the paleo diet, it is a good idea to invest in a cookbook that will help you learn how to transform the foods on your list into tasty dishes.
Just because the diet is restrictive doesn’'t mean that it has to be boring. At first, you may have cravings for your favourite forbidden foods.
However once you have gotten used to the diet, your cravings will naturally decrease and even the smell of junk food may make your stomach turn.
In fact, you may find that your food is tastier than ever before after you have eliminated all of the processed ingredients from your diet.