7 Paleo Myths Debunked!

Greetings Paleo Warriors!

Today we want to clear up a few myths people have about the Paleo diet, and show why these are unfounded.

7 Paleo Myths

Myth 1: Paleo is All About the Meat
Perhaps it’s the picture of Fred Flinstone eating a brontosaurus burger that makes people think Paleo is all about eating thick steaks until you’re full. But hunters and gatherers most likely relied on the gathering more than the hunting, as there’s no way to guarantee you’d be able to successfully find and bring down an animal to eat.

Myth 2: Paleo is a Short-Term Solution
Some think that you just go on Paleo for a few weeks, or maybe a few months, and then you’re done. But the Paleo diet is meant to be followed for as long as you want to have extra energy and a slim waistline.

Myth 3: Paleo is a Fad -
It’s so easy in our modern times to write off diet plans as a fad, because there are several more introduced to the market each week. But thinking of something that dates back over 10,000 years as a fad is a bit silly.

Myth 4: Paleo is Bad for Your Heart Because of All the Fat and Cholesterol -
Paleo isn’t about choosing the fattiest meats you can find and eating unlimited quantities of them. You’ll be choosing lean meat and eating healthy portions of it, combined with plenty of vegetables as well as fruit.

Myth 5: Paleo Is Hard to Stick With
Because of all that excludes, dairy, grains, legumes, refined sugars, Paleo has been labelled as a hard diet to stick with. But when you consider that there are Paleo recipes that show you how to make snacks, appetizers, soups, salads, and main dishes that rival what you’ll find in restaurants, it’s actually an easy diet to stick with because you’re eating real food.

Myth 6: Paleo Shopping is Expensive
With all of the specialty items like grass-fed beef and organic meats, fruits, and vegetables, Paleo is sometimes referred to as being prohibitively expensive. But when you factor in the money you’ll be saving from not buying fast food, junk food, and other packaged and processed foods, it comes out about even, and Paleo might just be a more economical way to live.

Myth 7: You Can Have All-You-Can-Eat Bacon on Paleo
You’ll see bacon used in many Paleo recipes for no other reason than this is a diet plan that allows you to have bacon. But you’ll still want to take it easy with bacon, and make sure you’re getting a big serving of vegetables whenever you eat it.

So don’t get caught up in the misinformation about Paleo, as much of it is just plain wrong!
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